KhronosGroup / OpenCL-Headers

Khronos OpenCL-Headers

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Why cannot find <CL\opencl.h> when using Android NDK Building?

FdyCN opened this issue · comments


Hi guys, i got a problem. when I include opencl.hpp in my project. BUT, when i build executable for android 64 os using NDK. Here comes a compiling error, happened at this line:

my ndk version is : r22b
/Users/admin/Desktop/Demo/third_party/CL/opencl.hpp:530:10: fatal error: 'CL/opencl.h' file not found #include <CL/opencl.h>
i wonder why it's wrong? is there no matched head in target platform? and how can i fix it?

Please help me and thanks a lot!

AFAIK Android officially does not support OpenCL so that header probably is not part of the NDK.