KennethEnevoldsen / asent

Asent is a python library for performing efficient and transparent sentiment analysis using spaCy.

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Polarity of span uses sentiment of tokens prior to the span, and commas/end-of-sentence markers are ignored

tomaarsen opened this issue · comments


Bug details

This bug report encompasses two related bugs. I'll group them together in this report, as they might both be solvable with the same fix.

  1. The polarity of spans will take into consideration the tokens prior to the span, causing large issues in the produced sentiment.
  2. Commas and end-of-sentence markers are disregarded.

How to reproduce the behaviour for bug 1

Sample code

import asent
import spacy
from pprint import pprint

# load spacy pipeline
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_lg")

# add the rule-based sentiment model

doc = nlp("I am not very happy.")


Bugged results

very happy.
neg=0.616 neu=0.384 pos=0.0 compound=-0.4964 span=very happy.
[TokenPolarityOutput(polarity=0.0, token=very, span=very),
 TokenPolarityOutput(polarity=-2.215, token=happy, span=not very happy),
 TokenPolarityOutput(polarity=0.0, token=., span=.)]

Despite stating that the span is very happy., you can see that the sentiment is very negative, as it considers the tokens prior to the start of the span as well. Note the TokenPolarityOutput(polarity=-2.215, token=happy, span=not very happy). I discovered this bug while working on #52, as the polarity of the not very happy, very happy and happy spans were all reported to be the same.
You could argue that this is not that big of a deal, as most people are interested in per-sentence sentiment. However, this can also cause issues between sentences, as can be seen below:

Sample code

import asent
import spacy
from pprint import pprint

# load spacy pipeline
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_lg")

# add the rule-based sentiment model

doc = nlp("Would you do that? I would not. Very stupid is what that is.")

for sent in doc.sents:
    print(f"{sent.text:<30} - {sent._.polarity}")


Bugged results

Would you do that?             - neg=0.0 neu=0.0 pos=0.0 compound=0.0 span=Would you do that?
I would not.                   - neg=0.0 neu=0.0 pos=0.0 compound=0.0 span=I would not.
Very stupid is what that is.   - neg=0.0 neu=0.667 pos=0.333 compound=0.4575 span=Very stupid is what that is.
[TokenPolarityOutput(polarity=0.0, token=Very, span=Very),
 TokenPolarityOutput(polarity=1.993, token=stupid, span=not. Very stupid),
 TokenPolarityOutput(polarity=0.0, token=is, span=is),
 TokenPolarityOutput(polarity=0.0, token=what, span=what),
 TokenPolarityOutput(polarity=0.0, token=that, span=that),
 TokenPolarityOutput(polarity=0.0, token=is, span=is),
 TokenPolarityOutput(polarity=0.0, token=., span=.)]

Note the TokenPolarityOutput(polarity=1.993, token=stupid, span=not. Very stupid).

How to reproduce the behaviour for bug 2

See the second sample from this issue, as well as the commented-out example from #57. In these examples, tokens from prior sentence (segments) are used to modify the polarity of tokens in the new sentence (segment). For example, in the second example from #57, the total polarity of the entire document is DocPolarityOutput(neg=0.198, neu=0.662, pos=0.14, compound=-0.2411). This is higher than expected, because the unhappy part becomes positive. Rewriting the input to be "I am not great, I would describe myself as unhappy." will cause the polarity to become DocPolarityOutput(neg=0.379, neu=0.621, pos=0.0, compound=-0.7264), with the following visualization:
This is the behaviour I would expect, even before rewriting the input.

My Environment

  • asent version: 0.4.3
  • spaCy version: 3.4.1
  • Platform: Windows-10-10.0.19043-SP0
  • Python version: 3.10.1
  • Pipelines: en_core_web_lg (3.4.0)

  • Tom Aarsen

Thanks for noting these @tomaarsen. Indeed it should respect sentence/span boundaries (I will look into it during the weekend). Regarding the first problem, I am unsure if it is a bug "very happy" is indeed negated in this context, so it should be negative, however, for debugging, I see that it is nice to check the "local" sentiment (it should also follow nicely from fixing the other bug).

I think ideally, you would want something like this:

doc = nlp("I am not very happy.")

sents = list(doc.sents)

# sentence polarity should be equal to the polarity of the corresponding span
assert sent[0].polarity == doc[:]._.polarity

# span polarity should only consider items in the corresponding span
assert doc[3:]._.polarity != doc[:]

Actually, having thought about it a bit, I think it is ideal that "very happy" is negative if preceded by a "not" even if you only examine the given span. The way it is currently calculated is based on the token polarity of happy and I don't want to make that "local". Here is an example of why:

If given the text: "I am not very happy with the interface". I could imagine a use case where I want to examine how happy customers are with my interface and do a dependency parse concluding that thappy described interface in which that you would want that to be "not very happy".

To achieve the desired positive "very happy", one would have to remove the context, which could e.g. be done as:

# convert span to doc
# analyse doc

I think it is reasonable that context should be explicitly removed. Hope you feel the same way?

Hope you feel the same way?

I do. It makes sense that a negative sentence should not suddenly deemed positive if a certain sentence subspan is taken. I recognize that this is a sensible implementation, then.