KatherineMichel / python-and-django-resources

:snake: Python and Django- Resources

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Python and Django- Resources

Mac and Windows



Related Projects, PSF and DSF People and Members

Python Software Foundation (PSF) People

Django Software Foundation (DSF) People (Not Specifically Developer)

Django People- Current

Django People- Historical

CPython Experts, Mailing Lists, Core Developer Info, Permissions

CPython Experts Index

Mailing List and Permissions History

Python Contributing Info and Docs

CPython Bugs Dashboard


CPython Pull Requests

Official CPython Contributing Guides


Release Managers

Python Status

CPython Dev Stuff

Victor Stinner CPython Contributing Guides

Sprint PR Tool

CPython Workflow Choices and Tools

Core Workflow Tools

Issues PEP

CPython GitHub Migration

Python Environment


Python Performance, Speed, and Security



CPython Helpers

Regression Test Suite For Python Core Developers


C Programming Language

C Programming Language

CPython Interpreter and Internals

Visualizing How Python Works

CPython Source Code Guide

PyLadies CPython Source Code Resource Issue

Yet another guided tour of CPython

CPython Internals


Core- Design of the CPython Compiler

Python Virtual Machine

Python Internals


PEG Parser

Types of Parsers

Python Summits and Sprints

Python Language Summits

Python Core Sprint 2018

Python Core Sprint 2016

Python Sprints

CPython and Django Docs

CPython Docs

Django Docs

Django Contributing Info and Docs

Django GitHub

Django Pull Requests

Django Bug Tracker, Wiki, and Development Dashboard

Django and Python Contributing

Django Core Mentorship

Django Developers Mailing Lists, Forum and Slack

Django Software

Django Tickets

Django Roadmaps

Release Process

Release Cadence

Release Notes

Supported Versions


Upgrading and Choices

Python and Django Git Assistance

Python and Django Git Bootcamps and Cheat Sheets

Django- General

Django Project Governance Model

Django Triage & Review Team

Carlton Gibson's Talks

Process of Dissolving Django Core

Django Foundation

DSF Internship

Python Governance

Python Authorities

Python and Django Governance and BDFL

Python and Django PEPs and DEPs


PEP Template

Python Tools and Official Status

PSF Infrastructure Configuration

PSF Repos

Kenneth Reitz Repos

Repos Under "Python" GitHub Organization

Black Moving Under "Python" GitHub Organization

DEP 0008: Formatting Code with Black

python.org and djangoproject.com Contributing

python.org Contributing

djangoproject.com Contributing


:snake: Python and Django- Resources