KasperskyLab / TinyCheck

TinyCheck allows you to easily capture network communications from a smartphone or any device which can be associated to a Wi-Fi access point in order to quickly analyze them. This can be used to check if any suspect or malicious communication is outgoing from a smartphone, by using heuristics or specific Indicators of Compromise (IoCs). In order to make it working, you need a computer with a Debian-like operating system and two Wi-Fi interfaces. The best choice is to use a Raspberry Pi (2+) a Wi-Fi dongle and a small touch screen. This tiny configuration (for less than $50) allows you to tap any Wi-Fi device, anywhere.

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Frontend service fails to start; ImportError: cannot import name 'collections_abc' from 'six.moves' (unknown location)

claudiopolis opened this issue · comments

First, I just stumbled across this project, and want to say thanks to all the contributors. Look forward to deploying it in Thailand at the NGO that serves at risk women where I volunteer.

I just installed this on a RasPi 4, fresh install of Raspbian Buster (2022-04-04).

All works OK except the front-end service fails. When I run the following startup command to see why, I get the trace below.

sudo /usr/bin/python3 /usr/share/tinycheck/server/frontend/main.py

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/tinycheck/server/frontend/main.py", line 9, in <module>
    from app.blueprints.save import save_bp
  File "/usr/share/tinycheck/server/frontend/app/blueprints/save.py", line 5, in <module>
    from app.classes.save import Save
  File "/usr/share/tinycheck/server/frontend/app/classes/save.py", line 4, in <module>
    import pyudev
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pyudev/__init__.py", line 48, in <module>
    from pyudev.core import Context, Enumerator
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pyudev/core.py", line 39, in <module>
    from pyudev.device import Devices
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pyudev/device/__init__.py", line 26, in <module>
    from ._device import Attributes, Device, Devices, Tags
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pyudev/device/_device.py", line 37, in <module>
    from six.moves import collections_abc
ImportError: cannot import name 'collections_abc' from 'six.moves' (unknown location)

Using pip to upgrade the six package to V1.16.0 was no help.

Would appreciate any tips, pointers etc. from anyone in the community. TIA.

I took a chance and imaged Raspbian Bullseye instead, but otherwise followed the instructions. Everything worked great. So, just the documentation needs to be updated perhaps?


Thanks for this. I just tried the same .. Raspbian Bullseye OS Full (32 bit) and it installed and is working without any issues.

I can confirm this works. Use Raspbian Bullseye OS Full (32 bit). When I tried using Buster as the documentation suggests it the installation failed to find the zeek package and the installation stalls trying to update the IOCs and whitelist.


I think this is related to the Zeek package being renamed to "zeek-lts" on Buster, this breaks the install script but it doesn't show any errors until you try to run Tinycheck. On Bullseye the install script successfully installs Zeek as it is still just called "zeek" on Bullseye.

#97 (comment)