KasRoudra / MaxPhisher

A python phishing script for login phishing, image phishing video phishing and many more

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instagram page resources not found

mianaliasjad opened this issue · comments


I am running it on linux. When it generates the link for Instagram. some resources of the page don't show up. when i inspect element it says 404 not found.

once it generate links and asks this question:

[?] Wanna try custom link? [y or press enter to skip] :

if we don't answer this question it keeps working fine with all the resources. But if we answer the question and press enter. the resources issue starts coming.

Screenshot 2023-09-01 150122

@mianaliasjad Okay, I am checking

@KasRoudra yea instagram resources arent loading in properly, great tool otherwise

@KasRoudra you can recreate the error everytime by idling the last step (custom url) and once you input a choice, the resources are corrupted