Karbust / Metin2-Patcher-Electron

A simple metin2 patcher made in Electron with React and TypeScript.

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Error: PostCSS plugin tailwindcss requires PostCSS 8.

zOrchid opened this issue · comments

Hi Karbust,

Can you please help me with this error? I been trying for 2 hours.

./src/css/index.css (./.yarn/$$virtual/css-loader-virtual-7a45157379/0/cache/css-loader-npm-4.3.0-33464197c9-1f441ac567.zip/node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--5-oneOf-4-1!./.yarn/cache/postcss-loader-npm-3.0.0-f4ab99b685-50b2d8892d.zip/node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss!./src/css/index.css)
Error: PostCSS plugin tailwindcss requires PostCSS 8.
Migration guide for end-users:

I wasn't able to reproduce this error.

The steps I followed for a brand new installation:

git clone https://github.com/Karbust/Metin2-Patcher-Electron/
yarn install
yarn run start

And Create React App doesn't support PostCSS 8 as stated on the TailwindCSS's page:

Create React App doesn't support PostCSS 8 yet so you need to install the Tailwind CSS v2.0 PostCSS 7 compatibility build for now as we've shown above.