Kampfkarren / selene

A blazing-fast modern Lua linter written in Rust

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Adding a method twice for an undefined table no longer errors

Quenty opened this issue · comments

This has been broken for a while, but basically if you have a table defined with the same method twice it, won't show an error that the table DOES_NOT_EXIST does not exist.

	A BaseObject basically just adds the :Destroy() interface, and a _maid, along with an optional object it references.
	@class BaseObject

local require = require(script.Parent.loader).load(script)

local Maid = require("Maid")

local BaseObject = {}
BaseObject.ClassName = "BaseObject"
BaseObject.__index = BaseObject

	Constructs a new BaseObject

	@param obj? Instance
	@return BaseObject
function BaseObject.new(obj)
	local self = setmetatable({}, BaseObject)

	self._maid = Maid.new()
	self._obj = obj

	return self

function DOES_NOT_EXIST:DoThing()


function DOES_NOT_EXIST:DoOtherThing()


	Cleans up the BaseObject and sets the metatable to nil
function BaseObject:Destroy()
	setmetatable(self, nil)

return BaseObject