KakaoCup / Compose

Nice and simple DSL for Espresso Compose UI testing in Kotlin

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Problems with matching child nodes for the Compose Screen

AJIEKCX opened this issue · comments

Hi, I have a problem with matching child nodes for the ComposeScreen. It works in simple cases but for the current screen it won’t work:

fun SimpleScreen() {
   Scaffold(Modifier.testTag(TestTag.SimpleScreen.Tag)) {
       Card {

The following PageObject can’t find our title at this screen:

class KSimpleScreen(semanticsProvider: SemanticsNodeInteractionsProvider) : ComposeScreen<KSimpleScreen>(
   semanticsProvider = semanticsProvider,
   viewBuilderAction = { hasTestTag(TestTag.SimpleScreen.Tag) }
) {
   val title: KNode = child {

It can be fixed by deleting child and using hasAnyAncestor matcher:

val title: KNode = KNode(semanticsProvider) {

But it’s not convenient and it would be great if BaseNode had this matcher by default for the parent node or allowed to change this behavior.

Also there is another problem with nested page objects. Because BaseNode inherits only direct parent node matchers but not all ancestors:

override val delegate: ComposeDelegate by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE) {
       nodeProvider = NodeProvider(
           nodeMatcher = NodeMatcher(
               matcher = if (parentNode == null) nodeMatcher.matcher else hasParent(parentNode.nodeMatcher.matcher) and nodeMatcher.matcher,
               position = nodeMatcher.position,
               useUnmergedTree = nodeMatcher.useUnmergedTree
           semanticsProvider = semanticsProvider
       parentDelegate = parentNode?.delegate

And it can be a problem for some cases. I think we should combine matchers from all ancestor nodes.

I will try to work on this issue

I've done it in #28