Kagami / secp256k1-node

Node.js binding for an Optimized C library for EC operations on curve secp256k1

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This module provides native bindings to ecdsa secp256k1 functions.
This library is experimental, so use at your own risk.


from npm

npm install secp256k1

from git

git clone git@github.com:wanderer/secp256k1-node.git
cd secp256k1-node
git submodule init
git submodule update
npm install

NOTE: if you have the development version gmp installed secp256k1 will use it. Otherwise it should fallback to openssl.


var ecdsa = require('secp256k1'),
  sr = require('secure-random'); 

var privateKey = sr.randomBuffer(32);

//a random message to sign
var msg = sr.randomBuffer(32);

//get the public key in a compressed format
var pubKey = ecdsa.createPublicKey(privateKey, true);

//sign the message
var sig = ecdsa.sign(privateKey, msg);

//verify the signature
if(ecdsa.verify(pubKey, msg, sig)){
  console.log("valid signature");


run npm test



Verify an ECDSA secret key.


  • secretKey - Buffer, the secret Key to verify

Returns: Boolean, true if secret key is valid, false secret key is invalid


Verify an ECDSA public key.


  • publicKey - Buffer, the public Key to verify

Returns: Boolean, true if public key is valid, false secret key is invalid

secp256k1.sign(secretkey, msg, cb)

Create an ECDSA signature.


  • secretkey - Buffer, a 32-byte secret key (assumed to be valid)
  • msg - Buffer, a 32-byte message hash being signed
  • cb - function, the callback given. The callback is given the signature

Returns: Buffer, if no callback is given a 72-byte signature is returned

secp256k1.signCompact(secretKey, msg, cb)

Create a compact ECDSA signature (64 byte + recovery id). Runs asynchronously if given a callback


  • secretKey - Buffer, a 32-byte secret key (assumed to be valid)
  • msg - Buffer, 32-byte message hash being signed

cb: function, the callback which is give err, sig the

  • sig - Buffer a 64-byte buffer repersenting the signature
  • recid - Buffer an int which is the recovery id.

Returns: result only returned if no callback is given

  • result.signature
  • result.r
  • result.s
  • result.recoveryId

secp256k1.verify(pubKey, mgs, sig)

Verify an ECDSA signature. Runs asynchronously if given a callback


  • pubKey - Buffer, the public key
  • mgs - Buffer, the 32-byte message hash being verified
  • sig - Buffer, the signature being verified

Returns: Integer,

  • 1: correct signature
  • 0: incorrect signature
  • -1: invalid public key
  • -2: invalid signature

secp256k1.recoverCompact(msg, sig, recid, compressed, cb)

Recover an ECDSA public key from a compact signature in the process also verifing it. Runs asynchronously if given a callback


  • msg - Buffer, the message assumed to be signed
  • sig - Buffer, the signature as 64 byte buffer
  • recid - Integer, the recovery id (as returned by ecdsa_sign_compact)
  • compressed - Boolean, whether to recover a compressed or uncompressed pubkey
  • cb - function, Recover an ECDSA public key from a compact signature. In the process also verifing it.

Returns: Buffer, the pubkey, a 33 or 65 byte buffer

secp256k1.createPubKey(secKey, compressed)

Compute the public key for a secret key.


  • secKey - Buffer, a 32-byte private key.
  • compressed - Boolean, whether the computed public key should be compressed

Returns: Buffer, a 33-byte (if compressed) or 65-byte (if uncompressed) area to store the public key.

secp256k1.exportPrivateKey(secertKey, compressed)


  • secertKey - Buffer
  • compressed - Boolean

** Returns**: Buffer, privateKey



  • privateKey - Buffer

Returns: Buffer, secertKey



  • secretKey - Buffer

Returns: Buffer, This module provides native bindings to ecdsa secp256k1 functions



  • privateKey - Buffer
  • tweak - Buffer

Returns: Buffer

secp256k1.privKeyTweakMul(privateKey, tweak)


  • privateKey - Buffer
  • tweak - Buffer

Returns: Buffer

secp256k1.pubKeyTweakAdd(publicKey, tweak)


  • publicKey - Buffer
  • tweak - Buffer

Returns: Buffer

secp256k1.pubKeyTweakMul(publicKey, tweak)


  • publicKey - Buffer
  • tweak - Buffer

Returns: Buffer




Node.js binding for an Optimized C library for EC operations on curve secp256k1


Language:C++ 55.4%Language:JavaScript 30.3%Language:Python 12.1%Language:Shell 2.2%