Kagami / mpv_slicing

Cut video fragments with mpv

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

a cut 8 second clip is 559mb from a 56mb video

airidassimanskis opened this issue · comments

2021-10-03 02:01:57

ffmpeg -v warning -y -stats -ss 131.433 -i "/home/ NAME /Clips/Replay 2021-10-03 01-55-00.mkv" -t 8.7 -c:v rawvideo -c:a pcm_s16le -vf format=yuv444p16,scale=in_color_matrix=bt709,format=bgr24 "/home/ NAME /Replay_2021-10-03_01-55-00.00:02:11.433-00:02:20.133.avi"

Edit the script!
Look for ext and command_template and change the value to this
ext = "mp4", command_template = [[ffmpeg -ss $shift -t $duration -i "$in" -c copy "$out.$ext" ]],