KVPV / ansible-rkhunter

Install and configure Rootkit Hunter

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Build Status Ansible Galaxy

Install and configure Rootkit Hunter in Debian-like systems



Role Variables

About the /etc/default/rkhunter file

  • rkhunter_cron_daily_run: [default: 'true']: Set this to yes to enable rkhunter daily runs
  • rkhunter_cron_db_update: [default: 'true']: Set this to yes to enable rkhunter weekly database updates
  • rkhunter_db_update_email: [default: 'false']: Set this to yes to enable reports of weekly database updates
  • rkhunter_report_email: [default: root]: Set this to the email address where reports and run output should be sent
  • rkhunter_apt_autogen: [default: 'false']: Set this to yes to enable automatic database updates
  • rkhunter_nice: [default: 0]: Nicenesses range from -20 (most favorable scheduling) to 19 (least favorable)
  • rkhunter_run_check_on_battery: [default: 'false']: Should daily check be run when running on battery, powermgmt-base is required to detect if running on battery or on AC power

About the /etc/rkhunter.conf file

  • rkhunter_rotate_mirrors: [default: 1]: 1 to rotate between mirrors, 0 to treat the mirrors list as priority list, use first, if fail use next, etc
  • rkhunter_update_mirrors: [default: 1]: 1 to update mirrors list when update, 0 to not update mirrors list
  • rkhunter_mirrors_mode: [default: 0]: 0 to use any mirror, 1 to only use local mirrors, 2 to only use remote mirrors
  • rkhunter_mail_on_warning: [default: root@localhost]: Email a message to this address if a warning is found
  • rkhunter_mail_cmd: [default: 'mail -s "[rkhunter] Warnings found for ${HOST_NAME}"']: The mail command to use if MAIL-ON-WARNING is set
  • rkhunter_bindir: [default: "{{ ansible_env.PATH | replace(':',' ')}}"]: Used to modify the command directory list used by rkhunter to locate commands (that is, its PATH)
  • rkhunter_language: [default: en]: The default language to use
  • rkhunter_logfile: [default: /var/log/rkhunter.log]: The log file pathname
  • rkhunter_append_log: [default: 0]: 0 will cause a new log file to be created, 1 the log file is to be appended
  • rkhunter_copy_log_on_error: [default: 0]: 0 the log file will not be copied, 1 the log file is to be copied
  • rkhunter_use_syslog: [default: NONE]: Enable the rkhunter check start and finish times to be logged by syslog. Warning messages will also be logged. The value of the option must be a standard syslog facility and priority, separated by a dot
  • rkhunter_allow_ssh_root_user: [default: 'no']: Checked against the SSH configuration file 'PermitRootLogin' option, a warning will be displayed if they do not match
  • rkhunter_enable_tests: [default: ALL]: Determine which tests are to be performed
  • rkhunter_disable_tests: [default: suspscan hidden_ports hidden_procs deleted_files packet_cap_apps apps]: The list of disabled tests is applied to the list of enabled tests
  • rkhunter_hash_cmd: [default: SHA256]: Specify the command to use for the file properties hash value check
  • rkhunter_pkgmgr: [default: NONE]: Tells rkhunter to use the specified package manager to obtain the file property information
  • rkhunter_existwhitelist: [default: []]: Whitelists files and directories from existing, or not existing
  • rkhunter_attrwhitelist: [default: []]: Whitelist various attributes of the specified files
  • rkhunter_writewhitelist: [default: []]: Allow the specified files to have the 'others' (world) permission have the write-bit set
  • rkhunter_scriptwhitelist: [default: []]: Allow the specified files to be a script
  • rkhunter_immutwhitelist: [default: []]: Allow the specified file to have the immutable attribute set
  • rkhunter_allowhiddendir: [default: []]: Allow the specified hidden directory to be whitelisted
  • rkhunter_allowhiddenfile: [default: []]: Allow the specified hidden file to be whitelisted
  • rkhunter_allowprocdelfile: [default: '']: Allow the specified process to use deleted files. The process name may be followed by a colon-separated list of full pathnames (which have been deleted)
  • rkhunter_allowproclisten: [default: []]: Allow the specified process to listen on any network interface
  • rkhunter_port_whitelist: [default: []]: Whitelist network ports, space-separated list of one or more of two types of whitelisting, a 'protocol:port' pair and an asterisk ('*')
  • rkhunter_port_path_whitelist: [default: []]: Whitelist network ports, specifies one of two types of whitelisting, a pathname to an executable and a combined pathname, protocol and port



Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - rkhunter



Author Information

Maxime Lareo

Feedback, bug-reports, requests, ...

Are welcome!


Install and configure Rootkit Hunter

License:MIT License