KTH / devops-course

Repository of the DevOps course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology DD2482

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A/B testing, feature flags, continuous experimentation

monperrus opened this issue · comments

"Online controlled experiments at large" KDD'2013 about the Microsoft use case

"Holistic Configuration Management at Facebook"

Dynamic knobs for responsive power-aware computing

About feature toggles:

The modular and feature toggle architectures of Google Chrome

Dark launching has its downsides:

Jane Manchun Wong: App researcher who unlocks new features before they launch

Bullet Train: Open-source feature flagging

The Netflix Recommender System: Algorithms, Business Value, and Innovation

There exist different techniques and frameworks to engineer feature flags. They are good topics for a contribution to the course

Unleash: Another Open-source feature flags platform https://www.getunleash.io/

Gitlab includes unleashed. You can controll the feature flags in your project directly from within Gitlab. https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/operations/feature_flags.html

Snowplow Open Source, the world’s largest developer-first engine for collecting behavioral data.

The Only Guide to Dark Launching You’ll Ever Need

"Split provides everything you need to create, target, and manage feature flags."