KOBUGE-Games / Herbi

A retro platformer which you have to collect all diamonds

Home Page:http://kobuge-games.github.io/Herbi/

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2-players split-screen

ObaniGemini opened this issue Β· comments

I think it would be cool to have a two players (co-op) support. The problem is I really don't understand how to use them, I tried a bit and failed very quickly πŸ˜„ . Could someone do a 2 players workaround with viewports that could be enhanced with time and adjusted ?

For more info :

  • There would be a 2 players checkbox on the options menu
  • The sprites used would be http://www.widgetworx.com/projects/sl.html > platform > arc1.png > 3rd line, 1st charac collon : Sprites 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 7
  • Second controller port and would need a rework of keyboard keys