KDAB / hotspot

The Linux perf GUI for performance analysis.

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Flamegraph is not repainted correctly when zooming out

Waqar144 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

See the attached video. It is easier to see the problem than describe it:


To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open perf.data.perfparser.tar.gz
  2. Zoom into KateApp::init() as much as possible
  3. Zoom out using the "Go back in symbol view history (Alt + Left)" button in the top left corner of the app one step at a time
  4. See dirty regions after 2nd or 3rd step

Expected behavior
Regions are cleared properly

Version Info (please complete the following information):

  • Linux Kernel version: 6.6.19-1
  • perf version: 6.7-1
  • hotspot version (appimage? selfcompiled?): master (self compiled)
  • if self-compiled hotspot, what version of elfutils: 0.191-1

What qt version are you using? I tried with 6.7 and 5.15 but I couldn't reproduce the issue.


thanks, this seems to be a problem only in 5.15.12