KASTINpl / react-next-starter

ReactJS + Next.js + TypeScript + Redux + MaterialUI + ESLint, Prettier + Cypress + Jest + Storybook

Home Page:https://react-next-starter.vercel.app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Github Workflow Renovate

Next.js starter with TS, MaterialUI, Redux, Storybook, Cypress and many more usable developer tools included


Getting started

yarn create next-app -e https://github.com/KASTINpl/react-next-starter APP_NAME
yarn dev

All commands

yarn dev

Runs development server on localhost:3000.

yarn build

Build application for production use.

yarn start

Start built application. You need to run build first.

yarn test

Run all tests.

yarn test:unit

Run all unit tests with jest.

yarn test:unit:coverage

Run all unit tests with jest and generate coverage reports. This will fail if constraints coverageThreshold in jest.config.js are violated.

yarn test:unit:update

Run all unit tests with jest and update all outdated snapshots.

yarn test:unit:watch

Run all unit tests with jest using developer mode - watching all the changes.

yarn test:e2e

Run all integration tests with headless cypress.

yarn test:e2e:ui

Run all integration tests with cypress UI.

yarn test

Run test:unit and test:e2e in parallel

yarn lint:types

Run ESlint check

yarn lint:format

Run Prettier check

yarn lint

Run lint:types and lint:format in parallel

yarn storybook

Run Storybook server.

yarn build-storybook

Build Storybook documentation for production use.

yarn plop component NewComponent

Create a new component see ./plop-templates/component

Useful links, articles and manuals


ReactJS + Next.js + TypeScript + Redux + MaterialUI + ESLint, Prettier + Cypress + Jest + Storybook



Language:TypeScript 72.3%Language:JavaScript 26.6%Language:Handlebars 0.7%Language:Shell 0.4%