K0lb3 / UnityPy

UnityPy is python module that makes it possible to extract/unpack and edit Unity assets

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wishlist: support "bundle"/"bank"?

hydrargyrum opened this issue · comments

In "life of delta" game, there are standard level* files and sharedassets*.assets files that contain a lot of resources of the game. However, it seems they don't contain everything, some music can't be found inside them. But the game has a StreamingAssets subfolder that contains those files:

Master Bank.bank
Master Bank.strings.bank
Master Bank_dst.bank

Only StreamingAssets seems to be recognized by unitypy, and contains:

<ClassIDType.AssetBundle: 142>
<ClassIDType.AssetBundleManifest: 290>

Not sure what to do from there.

This is not a bug, and not a parsing problem.
As a simple Google check would have told you.... .bank files are music files, usually played via FMOD by Unity, and not Unity asset files.

You can likely use:
https://github.com/SamboyCoding/Fmod5Sharp or