Juyong / Fast_RNRR

Source code for the paper "Quasi-Newton Solver for Robust Non-Rigid Registration" (CVPR2020 Oral).

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About test model

Curveaddicted opened this issue · comments

hello!it's me again. I checked the test data and noticed that the source and target mesh has the same vertex\face\edge\half edge. so my question is did you guys use some methods to initialize the model? if so ,which method did you use or how you accomplish it?

Because for my design model which has
Vertex:8 face:12 edge: 18 half_edge: 36
and I change it a little bit, the changed model has
Vertex:3645 face:7286 edge: 10929 half_edge: 21858

It dosen't working for my designed model.

The datasets we tested have the same vertex\edge\face, we didn't do additional processing. But in the test data there are whole-to-partial examples with different vertex number, this is constructed by removing some points from the original model.