JustinByrne / JustinByrne

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Hi My name is Justin Byrne

Web Developer

I'm a self motivated tech enthusiasts. Spending more than half my life dedicated to the tech industry. I built my first computer at the age of 11, and have been building ever since. My interests have changed across the years from system building to web development and even a dab of software engineering, and just like my interests, my operating system has changed, sometimes more then 4 times a year.

  • 🌍  I'm based in United Kingdom
  • 🖥️  See my portfolio at JustinByrne.dev
  • 🧠  I'm learning Laravel, Tailwindcss, Alpine.js, Livewire
  • 💻 I'm currently using PopOS! 22.04 on my laptop


PHP Python JavaScript HTML5 TailwindCSS CSS3 MySQL Laravel Figma



My GitHub Stats

JustinByrne's GitHub stats

🧑🏻‍💻 Visual Studio Code Extensions
