JustArchiNET / ArchiSteamFarm

C# application with primary purpose of farming Steam cards from multiple accounts simultaneously.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Incorrect default value for ShutdownIfPossible

xx55tt opened this issue · comments


ASF version

Latest stable release

ASF variant

generic (with latest .NET runtime)

Bug description

When using ASF without setting the ShutdownIfPossible option in the global config file, it shuts down after all bots have been stopped.

Expected behavior

ASF keeps running after stopping all bots, as described in the changelog.

Actual behavior

ASF shuts down.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Do not set the ShutdownIfPossible option in the global config file
  2. Stop all bots
  3. ASF shuts down

Possible reason/solution

The default value of the ShutdownIfPossible option is true instead of false, contradicting the wiki.

Can you help us with this bug report?

No, I don't have time, skills or willings for any of that

Full log.txt recorded during reproducing the problem

2024-05-31 20:04:54|dotnet-33853|INFO|ASF|InitCore() ArchiSteamFarm V6.0.2.6 (generic/1404ce0eae88451988ae6a5727eb0ce1 | .NET 8.0.5; arch-x64; Arch Linux) in [/home/***/.config/asf]
2024-05-31 20:04:54|dotnet-33853|INFO|ASF|InitCore() Copyright © 2015-2024 JustArchiNET
2024-05-31 20:04:54|dotnet-33853|INFO|ASF|InitPlugins() Initializing Plugins...
2024-05-31 20:04:54|dotnet-33853|INFO|ASF|InitPlugins() Loading MobileAuthenticatorPlugin V6.0.2.6...
2024-05-31 20:04:54|dotnet-33853|INFO|ASF|InitPlugins() MobileAuthenticatorPlugin has been loaded successfully!
2024-05-31 20:04:54|dotnet-33853|INFO|ASF|InitPlugins() Loading ItemsMatcherPlugin V6.0.2.6...
2024-05-31 20:04:54|dotnet-33853|INFO|ASF|InitPlugins() ItemsMatcherPlugin has been loaded successfully!
2024-05-31 20:04:54|dotnet-33853|INFO|ASF|InitPlugins() Loading SteamTokenDumperPlugin V6.0.2.6...
2024-05-31 20:04:54|dotnet-33853|INFO|ASF|InitPlugins() SteamTokenDumperPlugin has been loaded successfully!
2024-05-31 20:04:54|dotnet-33853|INFO|ASF|Load() Loading STD global cache...
2024-05-31 20:04:54|dotnet-33853|INFO|ASF|Load() Validating STD global cache integrity...
2024-05-31 20:04:54|dotnet-33853|INFO|ASF|OnASFInit() SteamTokenDumperPlugin is currently disabled according to your configuration. If you'd like to help SteamDB in data submission, please check out our wiki.
2024-05-31 20:04:54|dotnet-33853|INFO|ASF|Start() Starting IPC server...
2024-05-31 20:04:55|dotnet-33853|INFO|Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime|Now listening on:
2024-05-31 20:04:55|dotnet-33853|INFO|Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime|Now listening on: http://[::1]:27384
2024-05-31 20:04:55|dotnet-33853|INFO|Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime|Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
2024-05-31 20:04:55|dotnet-33853|INFO|Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime|Hosting environment: Production
2024-05-31 20:04:55|dotnet-33853|INFO|Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime|Content root path: /usr/lib/asf/
2024-05-31 20:04:55|dotnet-33853|INFO|ASF|Start() IPC server ready!
2024-05-31 20:04:55|dotnet-33853|WARN|***|InitStart() Not starting this bot instance because it's disabled in config file!
2024-05-31 20:04:58|dotnet-33853|INFO|***|Start() Starting...
2024-05-31 20:04:58|dotnet-33853|INFO|***|Connect() Connecting...
2024-05-31 20:04:59|dotnet-33853|INFO|***|OnConnected() Connected to Steam!
2024-05-31 20:04:59|dotnet-33853|INFO|***|OnConnected() Logging in...
2024-05-31 20:04:59|dotnet-33853|INFO|***|OnLoggedOn() Successfully logged on as ***/***.
2024-05-31 20:04:59|dotnet-33853|INFO|***|Init() Success!
2024-05-31 20:05:00|dotnet-33853|INFO|***|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking first badge page...
2024-05-31 20:05:02|dotnet-33853|INFO|***|StartFarming() We don't have anything to farm on this account!
2024-05-31 20:05:03|dotnet-33853|INFO|***|Stop() Stopping...
2024-05-31 20:05:03|dotnet-33853|INFO|ASF|OnBotShutdown() No bots are running, exiting...
2024-05-31 20:05:03|dotnet-33853|INFO|***|OnDisconnected() Disconnected from Steam!
2024-05-31 20:05:08|dotnet-33853|INFO|Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime|Application is shutting down...

Global ASF.json config file

  "AutoRestart": false,
  "CurrentCulture": "en",
  "SteamOwnerID": ***,
  "UpdateChannel": 0

BotName.json config of all affected bot instances

No response

Additional info

No response

Thanks for report! The default value was (by a mistake, like you spotted) set to true, I've just corrected that - fixed since V6.0.3.4 🏆

As a workaround, you can manually set "ShutdownIfPossible": false in the global ASF config before the next release, since the functionality works properly, just the default value is not what it should be. V6.0.3.4 will automatically remove it (if you have config auto-migrate enabled).