JustArchiNET / ArchiSteamFarm

C# application with primary purpose of farming Steam cards from multiple accounts simultaneously.

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ArchiSteamFarm is unable to generate Web API Keys anymore

nolddor opened this issue · comments


ASF version

Latest stable release

ASF variant


Bug description

It looks like today Valve roll out a new change so in order to create a Web API Key, a mobile confirmation is needed.
Refers to https://twitter.com/zerguet/status/1730531743575208386

Expected behavior

ArchiSteamFarm must be able to auto-generate a Web API Key when not present as it is a mandatory requirement for ASF to query some internal APIs

Actual behavior

An error is thrown on the logs:

2023-12-01 18:59:44|ArchiSteamFarm-728438|ERROR|BotName|ResolveApiKey() Received unknown value for State, please report this: NotRegisteredYet 

Steps to reproduce

  1. Navigate to https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey en delete any existing Web API (if any)
  2. Start up ArchiSteamFarm from scratch or do a !restart
  3. You will see the error within the logs.

Possible reason/solution

A recent change at Valve side as per https://twitter.com/zerguet/status/1730531743575208386 that requires source code rework to auto-confirm the Web API Key generation, refers to:

private async Task<bool> RegisterApiKey() {

Can you help us with this bug report?

Somehow, I can test and offer feedback, but can't code

Full log.txt recorded during reproducing the problem


Global ASF.json config file


BotName.json config of all affected bot instances


Additional info

Thanks for report, I've addressed this with a warning and automatic registration (if possible) 🏆

Update: follow-up on this issue includes complete API keys removal, I'm leaving this note mainly for people digging into the issue wondering about current state of API keys in ASF.
