Just-A-Visitor / Algorithmic-Pseudocode

This repository contains the pseudocode(pdf) of various algorithms and data structures necessary for Interview Preparation and Competitive Coding

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Implement a PDF explanation for Bubble Sort Pseudocode

ardasengun04 opened this issue · comments

I want to explain tor the bubble search algorithm in the pseudocode folder with images and animations.

Sure, go ahead. Let me know if you need any help.

Hey @Just-A-Visitor , is the other guy still working on the issue ? If not , could you assign me to work on it?

@TheProgrammerGod Apparently not. Yes, you can start working on it.

Alright I'll start working on it right away.

I have added the pdf file. Check it once and let me know if it requires any edits. I'd also like to contribute by writing explanations for selection sort , insertion sort, linear search and binary search if needed.

@Just-A-Visitor hey buddy , could you label my pr with some Hacktober fest label or something? I'm participating

@Just-A-Visitor Hello. I am happy to help if the issue hasn't been resolved

@Stergios13 IIRC, this issue has been resolved. Closing it now.