Juris-M / legal-resource-registry

Jurisdiction ID and abbreviation data files for using with Jurism and other projects.

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ECJ chambers on wrong hierarchical level

georgd opened this issue · comments

The chambers of the ECJ are listed as courts in the jurisdiction cjeu, which is wrong. They’re divisions of the court ECJ. Generally, I don’t think they fit in here at all as the different traditions compose them with different punctuation or parenthesis settings:

Currently, the abbrevs-file produces in English:

Court of Justice First Chamber

French citation rules require:

CJUE, 4ᵉ ch.

Austrian citation rules regularly only put the Grand Chamber (which currently is missing):


The delimiter ~ is how I have designated court chambers in the court keys. So although these are siblings of first-class courts in the descriptive schema, they are meant to signify a division. Expressing the relation as a nested hierarchy in the schema would be cumbersome, at least at this stage.

Assuming that the local form of citation for ECJ judgments is determined by the target audience, not the case itself, Jurism can cope with this pretty easily. In the current setup, style modules are selected by filename, where juris-us.csl is the default US style, and juris-us-IndigoDev.csl is the IndigoDev alternative. There is no limit to the number of permissible variants, and the parent style can select the preferred variant with an attribute to a cs:style-options node set in the style's default locale, falling back to the default for the jurisdiction, and then to the US. If alternative abbreviations are also required, those can be configured to follow the style-module alternative.

The delimiter ~ is how I have designated court chambers in the court keys. So although these are siblings of first-class courts in the descriptive schema, they are meant to signify a division. Expressing the relation as a nested hierarchy in the schema would be cumbersome, at least at this stage.

Thanks for the explanation. I was confused by the missing German abbreviation and didn’t correctly relate the court name with the abbreviation.

CSLm has a division variable that’s currently not visible in the interface. Do you plan to deprecate it or will it make it to the interface?

Sorry for the late response. The division variable does come in handy when the jurisdiction map is coarse-grained, I'm planning to leave in in there. Is it okay to close this issue, or are adjustments still needed?

Thanks. We can close this here. I’ll open another ticket at Juris-M/zotero for addition of division to the UI.