Juris-M / legal-resource-registry

Jurisdiction ID and abbreviation data files for using with Jurism and other projects.

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UI language not displaying

sam-gagnon opened this issue · comments

Hello! I've been testing a new set of abbreviations for Canada. I set a "fr" variant for every jurisdiction and court in the "auto-ca" file.

However, when using Juris-M, even with the app set to french, the english names are still displayed in the UI.

Have I missed something in setting up the french names?

Your latest juris-fr-desc.json source compiles and runs nicely in the client, and language arbitration does work. (The auto-ca.json and auto-ca-fr.json files are generated automatically.) To set up, I have something like this in my home-directory ~/.jurisUpdate config file:

  "path": {
    "dataDir": null,
    "jurisAbbrevsDir": "/path/to/jurism/data/dir/juris-abbrevs",
    "jurisMapDir": "/path/to/jurism/data/dir/jurism/juris-maps",
    "jurisSrcDir": "/path/to/lrr/source/repo/juris-desc/src"

Running jurisupdate updates the abbrev and UI menu map files and bumps their versions. If all goes well, the changes will be picked up by the client when it is restarted. If that doesn't work, let me know: my setup is slightly different, updating into a source repo from which I build build and run a fresh copy of the client. But it's intended that updates into the Jurism data dir, without a client rebuild, will also work.

I have run jurisupdate, and I manually checked the map and abbrev files in my Jurism data directory, and I've confirmed that they are correct and updated.

However, when I launched Jurism, the UI court and jurisdiction names in the citation items are still displaying in english.

Actually, it is weirder than that. For exemple, if I select "Ontario" as the jurisdiction, and then press the down arrow under "Tribunal", the drop down list is in english. However, whenever I select one of them, the court is then highlighted in yellow, as if it was an unrecognized court.

So not only are the french versions not showing up for me, the selections that are available for the drop down menu aren't getting recognized as valid.

What is your installed Jurism version?


That would be the cause---the language arbitration smarts had only been added to the beta. A fresh release just went up though (5.0.90m4 / 5.0.90m5 on the Mac) that incorporates the changes. If you update the client, it should behave better.

Just did the update!

The court name are displaying in the correct language! However, I am unable to get the french name of the canadian subjuridictions provinces to show up in french.

Good news as far as it goes! Still some work to do then, it seems.

I think there may be some relation between this and the other issue I've opened.

Nowhere in the map file are the jurisdiction variant name values noted, whereas the variant name of courts are. Could that be part of the problem?

Good news as far as it goes! Still some work to do then, it seems.

Yeah! A fantastic update! Displaying the court names in French is already a massive leap forward.

Ha. In the code, I discovered that I intended to make jurisdiction names locale-aware, but the variants were just being skipped because of a typo. This will work in the next release.