Juris-M / citeproc-js

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Author names of translated books from English to Japanese are displayed in family name - given name order when the language is set to "ja"

kotobuki opened this issue · comments

I am hesitant to submit this as a bug because I may be missing a configurable option on the style file side. If this is not the right place, please let me know.

The following is an example of a bibliography item of an imaginary translated book from English to Japanese.

    "id": "morgan2023jiyu",
    "author": [
      { "family": "Morgan", "given": "Casey" },
      { "family": "Patrov", "given": "Alexei" }
    "citation-key": "morgan2023jiyu",
    "event-place": "東京",
    "issued": { "date-parts": [[2023]] },
    "language": "ja",
    "original-date": { "date-parts": [[2022]] },
    "original-publisher": "Global Academic Press",
    "original-publisher-place": "Chicago, IL",
    "original-title": "The Philosophy of Free Will",
    "publisher": "城南大学出版会",
    "publisher-place": "東京",
    "title": "自由意志の哲学",
    "translator": [{ "family": "鈴木", "given": "真紀" }],
    "type": "book"

When I process the bibliography item with citeproc-js and a CSL-M style, citeproc-js produces citations as follows.

  • Note Morgan Casey、Patrov Alexei『自由意志の哲学』訳:鈴木真紀(東京:城南大学出版会、2023)。〔The Philosophy of Free Will (Chicago, IL: Global Academic Press, 2022).〕
  • Bibliography entry Morgan Casey、Patrov Alexei『自由意志の哲学』翻訳:鈴木真紀、東京:城南大学出版会、2023。〔The Philosophy of Free Will (Chicago, IL: Global Academic Press, 2022).〕

As far as I know, keeping the name order in the original language for translated items in styles such as localized Chicago and MLA is common in Japan. The following is what I expected:

  • Note Casey Morgan、Alexei Patrov『自由意志の哲学』訳:鈴木真紀(東京:城南大学出版会、2023)。〔The Philosophy of Free Will (Chicago, IL: Global Academic Press, 2022).〕
  • Bibliography entry Morgan, Casey、Alexei Patrov『自由意志の哲学』翻訳:鈴木真紀、東京:城南大学出版会、2023。〔The Philosophy of Free Will (Chicago, IL: Global Academic Press, 2022).〕

For your reference, I created a pull request as follows.


I proposed adding follow-language-name-order option. The example below was created with citeproc.setFollowLanguageNameOrderOption(false). I only changed citeproc_commonjs.js and kept the default of follow-language-name-order as true to keep the compatibility, but changing it to false is better for handling situations like this.