JurajNyiri / PlexMeetsHomeAssistant

Custom card which integrates plex into Home Assistant and makes it possible to launch movies or tv shows on TV with a simple click

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Tablet (Android or IOs) - Error

domenicdistefano opened this issue · comments

Working fine on PC but the below message appears on IOs devices (iPad & iPhone), Android phone and tablet (Fire 10).

Error: Plex Server did not Respond.
Details of the error: Request Aborted

Also if I try the following HTTPS query from the above devices I get "The certificate home name mismatch when loading"

Here is the code from my Card

type: custom:plex-meets-homeassistant
protocol: https
sort: titleSort:asc
displayType: ''
playTrailer: true
showExtras: true
showSearch: true
libraryName: TV Shows
port: '32400'
maxCount: '100'
maxRows: ''
useHorizontalScroll: 'No'
useShuffle: 'No'
displayTitleMain: 'Yes'
displaySubtitleMain: 'Yes'
minWidth: ''
minEpisodeWidth: ''
minExpandedWidth: ''
fontSize1: ''
fontSize2: ''
fontSize3: ''
fontSize4: ''
minExpandedHeight: ''
title: ''


HTTPS does not work with IP. You cannot have a valid certificate for an IP address, use hostname instead.

I understand the issue 100% from your config.
You are using https with ip address. That will never work and there is no way how it would work.
On pc you probably provided exception to the browser to accept connection even without proper certificate which is the reason it works there.

Bingo! Got it working using a FQDN / Cert as described above going through a proxy.