JunyiJ / find_political_donors_junyi

An insight data engineer project to find donors based on location or time

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Table of Contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. How to use
  3. Implementation details
  4. Test


Python 2 or 3. No extra packages are needed.

How to use

The main python program main_parse.py is in src folder.

To run the program, use following command in the root directory (find_political_donors_junyi):

python ./src/main_parse.py ./input/itcont.txt ./output/medianvals_by_zip.txt ./output/medianvals_by_date.txt

The first argument is the input file name and the second and third arguments are two filenames for output.

Or you can using run.sh in the root directory to run it from bash

I also implemented a multi-process version of main_parse.py named as main_parse_multiprocess.py in src folder. In this implementation I used two processes to handle two different tasks separetely. The running time is ~30% shorter compared to main_parse.py. The usage is the same as main_parse.py:

python ./src/main_parse_multiprocess.py ./input/itcont.txt ./output/medianvals_by_zip.txt ./output/medianvals_by_date.txt

Implementation details

For there are two different tasks, one is based on recipeint and zipcode and the other is based on recipeint and time, I used two dictionaries to store the data: zipDict and dateDict:

The key for zipDict is (recipeint,zipcode) and the value is a list with 5 fields:

  • Amount: total amount of transactions received so far for recipeint from zipcode
  • n_transactions: number of transactions received so far for recipeint from zipcode
  • n_minheap: number of elements in minheap
  • maxheap: a maxheap to store half of transactions with smaller or equal to median
  • minheap: a minheap to store half of transactions with value larger or equal to median

To efficiently get the running median of contributions received by recipient from the contributor's zip code streamed, I used two heaps to store the streamed data sofar and made sure size(maxheap)==size(minheap) or size(maxheap)==size(minheap)+1. The running time for each transaction insertion and median calculation is O(log(n)) and O(1). As a result, the total running time is O(nlog(n)) (n is the total number of valid transactions).

The key for dateDict is (recipeint,date):

  • the value of the dateDict a list containing all transactions.

When a new valid transaction was found, it was appended to the list. In the end, the list is sorted to get the median. The running time is limited by sorting, which is O(nlog(n) (n is the max length of dateDict[key]).


The code passed the given test and I also tested it using much larger files (300 M). However, since the file size of github is limited, I didn't include it here. In the tests folder. (In practice, if the input data is too large, it is better to use numpy to handle large input and lists)

I also created several tests to test for corner cases and relative large file:

  • test_1: original test created by insight
  • test_2: A medium sized test (2000 lines).
  • test_emptyinput: EMpty itcont.txt file. Two empty output files(medianvals_by_zip.txt and medianvals_by_date.txt) were generated after running.
  • test_emptyline: There is one empty line in input itcont.txt, aiming to test how the scripts deal with invalid lines.
  • test_invalidinput: The itcont.txt doesn't follow the FEC rule. Test how the scripts handle with invalid lines.
  • test_largefile: A large test to test how the script handle large files.
  • test_noinput: No inputfile in input folder.Two empty output files(medianvals_by_zip.txt and medianvals_by_date.txt) were generated after running.
  • test_invaliddate: There is invalid date(for example, 01322017) in Transaction_DT field. medianvals_by_zip.txt still include this line but medianvals_by_date.txt doesn't include this line.
  • test_invalid_TAamount: The Transaction amount is not valide (for example, 384a or 38a4). Discard this line.

If use the run_tests.sh in directory ./insight/testsuite, a tmp folder will be created and all script, input and output can be found there.

To test the individual functions in main_parse.py, I also wrote a python unittest code in folder src. To run the test, use the following command in the root directory (find_political_donors_junyi): python src/test.py


An insight data engineer project to find donors based on location or time


Language:Python 81.0%Language:Shell 19.0%