Juniper / grpc-c

C implementation of gRPC layered on top of core library

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Import the "google/protobuf/empty.proto" and "google/protobuf/any.proto

lifeng68 opened this issue · comments

My .proto file import the "google/protobuf/empty.proto" and "google/protobuf/any.proto", like this:

syntax = "proto3";

import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";

I use "make lcrd.grpc-c.c" generated file,when I use "make" to build the code ,I find the google/protobuf/empty.proto.h can not find.

root@docker-RH2288H-V3:/home/lifeng/gRPC_c/grpc-c/build/lcrd# make lcrd.grpc-c.c
protoc -I ../../lcrd --grpc-c_out=. --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc-c=../compiler/protoc-gen-grpc-c ../../lcrd/lcrd.proto
root@docker-RH2288H-V3:/home/lifeng/gRPC_c/grpc-c/build/lcrd# make 
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../lcrd -I..    -I. -I../../lcrd/../lib/h/ -I../../lcrd/../third_party/protobuf-c -I../../lcrd/../third_party/grpc/include -g -O2 -MT lcrd_client.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/lcrd_client.Tpo -c -o lcrd_client.o ../../lcrd/lcrd_client.c
In file included from ../../lcrd/lcrd_client.c:8:0:
**./lcrd.grpc-c.h:23:41: fatal error: google/protobuf/empty.proto.h: No such file or directory**
compilation terminated.
Makefile:447: recipe for target 'lcrd_client.o' failed
make: *** [lcrd_client.o] Error 1

@lifeng68 Do you have libprotobuf-dev installed?

I installed the libprotobuf-dev,my "/usr/local/include/google/protobuf" has these files ,but not have the empty.proto.h and any.proto.h

root@docker-RH2288H-V3:/usr/local/include/google/protobuf# ls
any.h          descriptor_database.h  empty.proto                     has_bits.h        map_type_handler.h  source_context.pb.h   type.pb.h               wrappers.proto
any.pb.h       descriptor.h           extension_set.h                 io                message.h           source_context.proto  type.proto
any.proto      descriptor.pb.h        field_mask.pb.h                 map_entry.h       message_lite.h      struct.pb.h           unknown_field_set.h
api.pb.h       descriptor.proto       field_mask.proto                map_entry_lite.h  metadata.h          struct.proto          util
api.proto      duration.pb.h          generated_enum_reflection.h     map_field.h       reflection.h        stubs                 wire_format.h
arena.h        duration.proto         generated_enum_util.h           map_field_inl.h   reflection_ops.h    text_format.h         wire_format_lite.h
arenastring.h  dynamic_message.h      generated_message_reflection.h  map_field_lite.h  repeated_field.h    timestamp.pb.h        wire_format_lite_inl.h
compiler       empty.pb.h             generated_message_util.h        map.h             service.h           timestamp.proto       wrappers.pb.h

@ajhai Is it a bug in grpc-c that the generated file should not include google/protobuf/empty.proto.h but the other name?

@hqhq Yes. This is a bug in grpc-c compiler code. It should have generated empty.pb.h instead of empty.proto.h. Possibly coming from protobuf-c. Will take a look and fix this.

I have hit this too (IIRC file was generated as foo.pb-c.h but the #include wanted foo.proto.h). However, I am working in a project that also uses C++ gRPC bindings (which would generate a foo.pb.h file) so beware of name collisions. foo.pb-c.h might be the best to standardize on?

99797eb should fix this issue. Generated code will include google/protobuf/empty.grpc-c.h instead of google/protobuf/empty.proto.h. You still have to compile empty.proto separately though and make it available in google/protobuf from your objs.