JuliaStats / StatsBase.jl

Basic statistics for Julia

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Aqua.jl found ambiguities

JeffreySarnoff opened this issue · comments

5 ambiguities found

Ambiguity #1
==(x::Union{StatsBase.PValue, StatsBase.TestStat}, y::Real) @ StatsBase C:\Users\MrJSa\.julia\packages\StatsBase\XgjIN\src\statmodels.jl:90
==(x::Real, y::AbstractIrrational) @ Base irrationals.jl:90
Possible fix, define
  ==(::Union{StatsBase.PValue, StatsBase.TestStat}, ::AbstractIrrational)

Ambiguity #2
==(y::Real, x::Union{StatsBase.PValue, StatsBase.TestStat}) @ StatsBase C:\Users\MrJSa\.julia\packages\StatsBase\XgjIN\src\statmodels.jl:91
==(x::AbstractIrrational, y::Real) @ Base irrationals.jl:89

Possible fix, define
  ==(::AbstractIrrational, ::Union{StatsBase.PValue, StatsBase.TestStat})
Ambiguity #3
StatsBase.TestStat(v) @ StatsBase C:\Users\MrJSa\.julia\packages\StatsBase\XgjIN\src\statmodels.jl:80
(::Type{T})(x::AbstractChar) where T<:Union{AbstractChar, Number} @ Base char.jl:50

Possible fix, define

Ambiguity #4
StatsBase.TestStat(v) @ StatsBase C:\Users\MrJSa\.julia\packages\StatsBase\XgjIN\src\statmodels.jl:80
(::Type{T})(x::Base.TwicePrecision) where T<:Number @ Base twiceprecision.jl:267

Possible fix, define

Ambiguity #5
StatsBase.TestStat(v) @ StatsBase C:\Users\MrJSa\.julia\packages\StatsBase\XgjIN\src\statmodels.jl:80
(::Type{T})(z::Complex) where T<:Real @ Base complex.jl:44

Possible fix, define

Thanks for the report. Luckily, I can't imagine that any of those ambiguities would be encountered in practice.

Should these types be replaced with functions such as print_teststat and print_pvalue or at least not be a subtype of Real? Based on JuliaHub (https://juliahub.com/ui/Search?q=TestStat&type=code&w=true and https://juliahub.com/ui/Search?q=PValue&type=code&w=true) these are mainly used for printing.

I don't know why they subtype Real, perhaps that part isn't necessary, but having them as types does permit composition in a way that separate functions wouldn't. For example, interpolating into a string would require wrapping like sprint(print_pvalue, p) whereas defining a method allows that to Just Work™.

Yes, my impression was as well that these types are more convenient and composable than separate functions, ans hence removing the supertype and the comparison operators might be the preferable solution.

See #668 for the history.

Is there any actual issue to fix here? I don't think the recommended policy is to fix all ambiguities when they don't cause actual problems, right?

That said, it would be easy to fix the first series of ambiguities by defining == separately for PValue and TestStat, which is clear anyway.