JuliaSerrano / WebScraping

Web Scraping project which extracts real estate properties data from a given location by the API endpoint method.

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Scraping Real Estate Properties

This web scraping project extracts real estate properties data from a given location by the API endpoint method.

All the data retrieved is extracted to an excel workbook and inserted to a database which is previously created.

More in depth...

The API endpoint method directly gets the JSON data that is being sent from the server by making a request.

I've used Insomnia to check the query parameters needed to make the request and to get a preview of the response.

This project is divided in different files:

  • API Endpoint Method

    It's the main file. All the query parameters of the locations chosen are stored here, if you want to scrape another location, the parameters of this location will need to be added.

  • Request

    It makes a GET request for the location given (by the query parameters), returning a json for each page.

  • Load Json

    This file consists of two methods:

    • open_json

    It opens and loads a json from the raw response exported from insomnia, instead of making a request. This method is created for test purposes, to avoid bombarding the web with requests.

    • open_json_request

    It makes a request and loads the json response.

  • Extract Data

    It extracts from the jsondata:

    • Url of the property
    • Mobile
    • Real Estate Agency if apply
    • Type ID (to know if an agency is linked)
    • Date
    • Real Estate ID
    • Price
    • Transaction Type ID (to know if the property is open for sell or rent)
    • Location
  • Exports

    This file consists of two methods:

    • export_csv

    It exports the data retrieved to .csv file

    • export_excel

    It exports the data retrieved to .xlsx file

  • Database

It creates a database connection to the SQLite database specified by a databse file, creates a table if not created and inserts the properties extracted.


  1. Fork and Clone this repository and navigate into it
cd WebScraping
  1. Install the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the script
python3 API_endpoint_method.py


Web Scraping project which extracts real estate properties data from a given location by the API endpoint method.


Language:Python 76.6%Language:HTML 10.5%Language:CSS 7.6%Language:JavaScript 5.2%Language:Procfile 0.1%