JuliaNLSolvers / NLsolve.jl

Julia solvers for systems of nonlinear equations and mixed complementarity problems

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MArray inputs cause NaNs

ChrisRackauckas opened this issue · comments

using NLsolve, StaticArrays

function f!(F, x)
    F[1] = (x[1]+3)*(x[2]^3-7)+18
    F[2] = sin(x[2]*exp(x[1])-1)

function j!(J, x)
    J[1, 1] = x[2]^3-7
    J[1, 2] = 3*x[2]^2*(x[1]+3)
    u = exp(x[1])*cos(x[2]*exp(x[1])-1)
    J[2, 1] = x[2]*u
    J[2, 2] = u

nlsolve(f!, j!, @MArray [ 0.1; 1.2])

Gives NaNs for the zero.

XRef: SciML/DifferentialEquations.jl#542

Interesting. I'll have to dig in to find it.