JuliaNLSolvers / NLsolve.jl

Julia solvers for systems of nonlinear equations and mixed complementarity problems

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Efficient Anderson

pkofod opened this issue · comments

I asked about column dropping/adding in JuliaLang/julia#2929 and was made aware of https://github.com/mpf/QRupdate.jl - this seems like it would be sufficient for our use-case. I mean adding columns until truncation and then updating columns after that. Could be worth benchmarking.

cc @antoine-levitt

Looks good, thanks! The code looks possibly not optimal in terms of allocations, temporaries, etc, but should be sufficient for our purposes. Also from a cursory look at the code it seems it's not directly QR updating, but rather (implicitly) updating the Cholesky factorization of the Gram matrix. Doesn't that square the conditioning? cc @mpf

In any case the tricky part is to restructure the code to take advantage of qr updating : once that's done we can switch implementations easily. I'll take a look at it when I have the chance (possibly next week).

In any case the tricky part is to restructure the code to take advantage of qr updating : once that's done we can switch implementations easily. I'll take a look at it when I have the chance (possibly next week).

Pinged to get your input, but it would be great if you'd want to have a stab at it! I don't remember the Anderson code being to far from a form where this should be possible, but I might underestimate how much refactoring is needed.

Inefficiencies can be worked out in the package, I'm sure @mpf would welcome improvements!

Oh if you (or someone else) want to do it go ahead, by all means! Indeed it should not be hard.

@antoine-levitt QRupdate.jl is updating a Q-less QR factorization of A. Then R satisfies

A = QR  (if we had Q)  and  A'A = R'R

As you suggest, we need to be careful about conditioning for least-squares solves min ||Ax-b||^2_2. There are a couple of ways of solving this:

  • Normal equations: solve A'Ax=A'b, which does lead to squaring the condition number.
  • Using QR: solve Rx=Q'b, which doesn't square the conditioning, but requires Q.
  • Semi-normal equations (SNEs): solve R'Rx = A'b plus iterative refinement, which does satisfy a notion of stability (see the reference to Bjork in the code).

Internally, QRupdate uses the semi-normal equations with iterative refinement in order to perform the updates. Probably QRupdate should provide functionality for solving LS problems using the SNEs.

@pkofod: I would be delighted to learn where the code could be improved!

Just putting this here for future reference, this describes well how to implement AA efficiently : https://users.wpi.edu/~walker/Papers/anderson_accn_algs_imps.pdf. The QR updates can be done by hand, it's not that hard. I think it's preferable to the "Q-less" approach above, because it doesn't square the conditioning, which is a concern here.

We're actually using QR updates now. I have a version in a separate package, and @devmotion implemented something very similar that is now part of this package. So this issue is actually "fixed". The paper you link could be interesting to look at, but I guess the purpose there is to solve non-smooth fixed point problems, not about efficiency of the updates?