JuliaMath / Infinities.jl

A Julia package for representing infinity in all its forms

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static infinity

cscherrer opened this issue · comments

I'm not sure whether it makes more sense here or in Static.jl, but I'd think there should be code somewhere to make this work:

julia> static(∞)
ERROR: There is no static alternative for type Infinities.Infinity.
 [1] error(s::String)
   @ Base ./error.jl:33
 [2] _no_static_type(x::Any)
   @ Static ~/.julia/packages/Static/2w1BY/src/Static.jl:85
 [3] static(x::Infinities.Infinity)
   @ Static ~/.julia/packages/Static/2w1BY/src/Static.jl:70
 [4] top-level scope
   @ REPL[6]:1

It would be odd for Static.jl to depend on Infinities.jl so if anything it should be the other way around

but i don't understand what a "static type" is. Is it what I would call a "Singleton type"?

It's like a Val with proper subtyping and arithmetic methods, so more can be computed statically. Great trick for pushing work to compile time.

I would still call that a singleton type…

yes I’ll accept a PR