JuliaMath / FixedPointNumbers.jl

fixed point types for julia

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Performance regression in `Normed` -> `Float` conversions on Julia v1.3.0

kimikage opened this issue · comments

I have confirmed that Julia v1.2.0 and v1.3.0 give almost similar results on Normed->Float conversions (#129, #138). However, I found the performance regression (~2x - 3x slower) on x84_64 machines in the following cases:

  • Vec4{N0f32} -> Vec4{Float32}
  • Vec4{N0f64} -> Vec4{Float32}
  • Vec4{N0f64} -> Vec4{Float64}

(cf. #129 (comment))

I'm not going to rush to investigate the cause or fix this problem. I submit this issue as a placeholder in case any useful information is found.

I think those types are very niche. I'm not that worried.

I agree, but my concern is the cause rather than the result. The investigation may help improve other methods (e.g. Fixed -> Float conversions).


julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.3.0
Commit 46ce4d7933 (2019-11-26 06:09 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: Windows (x86_64-w64-mingw32)
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8565U CPU @ 1.80GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-6.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)

Matrix of Vec4 (unit: μs)

w64 Float32 v1.2.0 Float32 v1.3.0 Float64 v1.2.0 Float64 v1.3.0
N0f8 3.814 3.571 4.499 5.725
N5f3 3.786 3.457 5.400 5.533
N0f16 4.000 3.871 5.100 6.100
N13f3 3.800 3.700 4.800 6.333
N0f32 4.583 13.599 5.599 6.767
N8f24 5.033 4.243 7.800 8.134
N29f3 4.933 4.300 6.600 6.367
N0f64 13.399 23.000 12.600 21.699
N61f3 13.200 12.199 11.400 11.599
N0f128 38.800 37.099 35.600 35.200
N125f3 44.099 40.199 38.500 40.299


julia> Base.VERSION

julia> @code_typed Float32(1N0f32)
1 ─       goto #3 if not false
3%3  = Base.getfield(x, :i)::UInt32%4  = Base.bitcast(Int32, %3)::Int32%5  = Base.lshr_int(%4, 0x0000000000000010)::Int32%6  = Base.shl_int(%4, 0xfffffffffffffff0)::Int32%7  = Base.ifelse(true, %5, %6)::Int32%8  = Base.sitofp(Float32, %7)::Float32%9  = Base.and_int(%4, 65535)::Int32%10 = Base.shl_int(%9, 0x0000000000000008)::Int32%11 = Base.ashr_int(%9, 0xfffffffffffffff8)::Int32%12 = Base.ifelse(true, %10, %11)::Int32%13 = Base.lshr_int(%4, 0x0000000000000018)::Int32%14 = Base.shl_int(%4, 0xffffffffffffffe8)::Int32%15 = Base.ifelse(true, %13, %14)::Int32%16 = Base.or_int(%12, %15)::Int32%17 = Base.sitofp(Float32, %16)::Float32%18 = Base.mul_float(%17, 9.094947f-13)::Float32%19 = Base.muladd_float(%8, 1.5258789f-5, %18)::Float32
└──       return %19
) => Float32
julia> Base.VERSION

julia> @code_typed Float32(1N0f32)
1 ─       goto #3 if not false
3%3  = Base.getfield(x, :i)::UInt32%4  = Base.bitcast(Int32, %3)::Int32%5  = Base.lshr_int(%4, 0x0000000000000010)::Int32%6  = Base.shl_int(%4, 0xfffffffffffffff0)::Int32%7  = Base.ifelse(true, %5, %6)::Int32%8  = Base.sitofp(Float32, %7)::Float32%9  = Base.and_int(%4, 65535)::Int32%10 = Base.sle_int(0, 8)::Bool%11 = Base.bitcast(UInt64, 8)::UInt64%12 = Base.shl_int(%9, %11)::Int32%13 = Base.neg_int(8)::Int64%14 = Base.bitcast(UInt64, %13)::UInt64%15 = Base.ashr_int(%9, %14)::Int32%16 = Base.ifelse(%10, %12, %15)::Int32%17 = Base.lshr_int(%4, 0x0000000000000018)::Int32%18 = Base.shl_int(%4, 0xffffffffffffffe8)::Int32%19 = Base.ifelse(true, %17, %18)::Int32%20 = Base.or_int(%16, %19)::Int32%21 = Base.sitofp(Float32, %20)::Float32%22 = Base.mul_float(%21, 9.094947f-13)::Float32%23 = Base.muladd_float(%8, 1.5258789f-5, %22)::Float32
└──       return %23
) => Float32

Oh gosh...