JuliaIO / EzXML.jl

XML/HTML handling tools for primates

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XPath not working as expected with findall

anandijain opened this issue · comments

I cannot seem to make findall work as intended. According to https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xpath_syntax.asp, it seems like the Xpath //ci should get compartment, k1, S1, but findall returns empty Node.

<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
    <ci> compartment 
    <ci> k1 
    <ci> S1 
julia> findall("//ci", xml)

Your document has a namespace. See here

In particular:

There is a caveat on the combination of XPath and namespaces: if a document contains elements with a default namespace, you need to specify its prefix to the find* function. For example, in the following example, the root element and its descendants have a default namespace "http://www.foobar.org", but it does not have its own prefix. In this case, you need to assign a prefix to the namespance when finding elements in the namespace:

julia> doc = parsexml("""
       <parent xmlns="http://www.foobar.org">

julia> findall("/parent/child", doc.root)  # nothing will be found
0-element Array{EzXML.Node,1}

julia> namespaces(doc.root)  # the default namespace has an empty prefix
1-element Array{Pair{String,String},1}:
 "" => "http://www.foobar.org"

julia> ns = namespace(doc.root)  # get the namespace

julia> findall("/x:parent/x:child", doc.root, ["x"=>ns])  # specify its prefix as "x"
1-element Array{EzXML.Node,1}:

So for yours:

julia> str = """
              <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
                  <ci> compartment
                  <ci> k1
                  <ci> S1
"<math xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML\">\n  <apply>\n    <times/>\n    <ci> compartment\n    </ci>\n    <ci> k1\n    </ci>\n    <ci> S1\n    </ci>\n  </apply>\n</math>\n"

julia> xml = parsexml(str)

julia> ns = namespace(xml.root)

julia> findall("//x:ci", xml.root, ["x"=>ns])
3-element Vector{EzXML.Node}:


@kescobo I have another case here that I think would be better not lost to Slackhole.

julia> str = """<cn type="e-notation" cellml:units="molar_per_minute">5   <sep/>-2</cn>"""
"<cn type=\"e-notation\" cellml:units=\"molar_per_minute\">5   <sep/>-2</cn>"

julia> parsexml(str)

julia> parsexml(str).root
ERROR: AssertionError: isempty(XML_GLOBAL_ERROR_STACK)

I'm wondering if I can ignore the undefined namespace, basically remove all cellml: attributes from a Document, or what the standard workaround here is.

I suppose I could do findall("//*[@cellml:*]", node) and then just delete! the attributes.
This is sort of an annoying hack, as other formats might have other namespaces.

If you have any thoughts, I'd really appreciate it!

Alas, I have no idea. The only reason I knew how to answer the previous question is because I'd run into the same issue before and someone else helped me. I'm no expert! Good luck :-/