JuliaHomotopyContinuation / HomotopyContinuation.jl

A Julia package for solving systems of polynomials via homotopy continuation.

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find_start_pair failing on some linearly-parametrized square systems

timduff35 opened this issue · comments

The code below (based off a recently-started research project with undergrads) produces a square parametric system in unknowns X, Y and parameters A,B,C. It is one way of formulating the Eckart-Young problem of approximating an n x n matrix by a rank-r matrix.

When we tried solving this system with monodromy, we noticed that find_start_pair usually produced a solution with nearly-singular Jacobian. However, we can find plenty of non-singular starting pairs using the function better_start_pair below. This function assumes only that the system is affine-linear in the parameters. It is more-or-less the same as this Macaulay2 function.

I believe the issue here is that the particular solution of the linear system computed by find_start_pair_linear_in_params tends to have many coordinates equal to zero. At least for this particular class of systems, these sparse parameter vectors seem to produce singular systems. The idea behind better_start_pair is to add on a dense null-vector to this particular solution. The resulting start part seems to work as expected when passed to monodromy_solve.

This strategy ought to work for any cases where find_start_pair already works, and I think only a few new lines of code would need to be added. Do you see any potential downsides?

using HomotopyContinuation
using LinearAlgebra
frob(X) = sum([X[i,j]^2 for i = 1:size(X)[1], j = 1:size(X)[2]]);

function ey_system(n,r)
    @assert r <= n;
    @var A[1:n,1:n], B[1:r, 1:n], C[1:r, 1:r];
    @var X[1:n, 1:r], Y[1:n, 1:r]; # variables
    critical_equations = differentiate(frob(A - X*Y'), [vec(X); vec(Y)]);
    indices_removed = [[i,j] for i=1:r, j=1:r];
    indices_kept = setdiff(1:2*n*r, indices_removed);
    parametric_system = System(vcat(critical_equations[indices_kept], vec(B*X - C)); parameters = vcat(vec(A), vec(B), vec(C)));
    num_equations = length(expressions(parametric_system));
    num_variables = length(expressions(parametric_system));
    @assert(num_equations == num_variables);

function better_start_pair(F)
    n = length(variables(F));
    x0 = vec(randn(n,1) + im * randn(n,1));
    m = length(parameters(F));
    idmat = convert(Matrix{ComplexF64}, I(m));
    b = F(x0,zeros(m));
    A = hcat([F(x0,idmat[:,i])-b for i=1:m]...);
    N = nullspace(A);
    weights = randn(size(N,2),1) + im * randn(size(N,2),1);
    pHom = vec(N * weights);
    pPart = - A \ b;
    p0 = pPart + pHom;
    return (x0, p0)

# Example
F = ey_system(8,3);
# built-in start pair
(x0, p0) = find_start_pair(F);
minimum(svdvals(jacobian(F, x0, p0))) # gives me ~ 1e-16
# "custom" start pair 
(x1, p1) = better_start_pair(F); 
minimum(svdvals(jacobian(F, x1, p1))) # gives me >> 1e-16
monodromy_solve(F, x1, p1) # gives me 56 = 8C3 solutions

Which HC version are you using? We recently merged this PR #532 . Does this address the issue?

Oh, oops! This was exactly the same issue, it should work now.