JuliaGraphics / SignedDistanceFields.jl

Simple and efficient SDF calculation.

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Tagging SignedDistanceFields

SimonDanisch opened this issue · comments


I'd be great if you could register and tag SignedDistanceFields ;)
If you need any help, let me know!



It looks like I could use some assistance. Pkg.publish failed and trying to manually create a pull request is giving odd errors. All I want to do is tag v0.0.1; the package is already registered.


Did you try deleting the github auth-token!?
settings --> personal access token --> package manager token .. Or so ;)
That's a known issue with publish.


Yup – I looked into it when going through the FAQ but didn't see a token there in the first place.


Well you can always just go into your METADA folder, check if the changes from the tagging are there and then just push it to a fork of METADATA. That's sadly how I need to do it most of the time.


right; I'd forgotten how that process works.

Pull request made! JuliaLang/METADATA.jl#3564


Great, thanks a lot :)
If you want others to help out more easily, you could also think about putting the package into JuliaGraphics. If that makes sense for you!

I think you should also add a REQUIRE file saying julia 0.3...
Sorry for not comming up with that earlier^^


I'd actually be happy to transfer it over – this isn't something I'm currently keeping up with and it looks like it's become a useful part of the large Julia graphics effort, which is great!


Cool! Can you move it there? I can then do the rest if you like.

