JuliaGraphics / QML.jl

Build Qt6 QML interfaces for Julia programs.

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Makie render function not called

veddox opened this issue · comments

I'm struggling getting the Makie integration to work. Although I can run the two examples (makie.jl and makie-plot.jl) just fine, my own code only gives me a blank window:

using CxxWrap
using Observables
using QML
using GLMakie
using FileIO
using Persefone

ENV["QSG_RENDER_LOOP"] = "basic"

global model = initialise()

function render_map(screen)
    global model
    println("Updating map")
    figure = visualisemap(model)
    display(screen, figure.scene)

qmlfile = joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "mwe.qml")
        render_map_callback = @safe_cfunction(render_map,Cvoid,(Any,)))
println("Launched MWE.")
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Layouts
import org.julialang

ApplicationWindow {
	id: makieWindow
	title: "Makie integration"
	width: 1024
	height: 768
	visible: true

	MakieViewport {
		id: mapviewport
		Layout.fillWidth: true
		Layout.fillHeight: true
		renderFunction: render_map_callback
		Component.onCompleted: {



visualisemap() is a function that returns a Makie figure; if I call this directly, GLMakie plots it as expected.

My output shows no errors, simply an empty window. As I do not see the "Updating map" debug statement printed, I assume the render function is never called.

I'm using the main branch of QML.jl, GLMakie 0.6.13 and Makie 0.17.13

The problem here is with the QML, in the makie example we use a ColumnLayout, hence the Layout. options make sense there. Without a layout, you should use the anchors:

import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Layouts
import org.julialang

ApplicationWindow {
	id: makieWindow
	title: "Makie integration"
	width: 1024
	height: 768
	visible: true

	MakieViewport {
		id: mapviewport
		anchors.fill: parent
		renderFunction: render_map_callback


Ref: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6.5/qtquick-positioning-anchors.html

Ah, that was it! I had eventually figured out that it must be something to do with layouts, but didn't know enough to understand what. Thanks for the pointer!