JuliaGraphics / QML.jl

Build Qt6 QML interfaces for Julia programs.

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Type mismatch on Linux when sending an integer from Julia to QML

a-ill opened this issue · comments


Here is a minimal reproducible example.

using QML, Qt5QuickControls2_jll

function get_int()
    return 1

function QML.loadqml(text::QByteArray; kwargs...)
    qml_engine = init_qmlengine()
    ctx = root_context(QML.CxxRef(qml_engine))
    for (key,value) in kwargs
        set_context_property(ctx, String(key), value)
    component = QQmlComponent(qml_engine)
    QML.set_data(component, text, QUrl())
    create(component, qmlcontext())
    return component

text = QByteArray("""
    import QtQuick 2.15
    import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
    import org.julialang 1.0

    ApplicationWindow {
        visible: true
        Timer {
            running: true
            onTriggered: {
                var int_val = Julia.get_int()
                console.log(typeof int_val, int_val)


On Windows we get

Qt Debug: number 1 (:11, onTriggered)

On Linux we get

Qt Debug: object 1 (:11, onTriggered)

After using such a number with object type it sometimes becomes an empty object {} resulting in an error. Floats and strings do not have such an issue.

Integers in QML are 32bit. Did you try sending 32 bit integers?