JuliaGraphics / NativeFileDialog.jl

mlabbe/nativefiledialog julia wrapper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

transfer to JuliaGraphics org?

stevengj opened this issue · comments

Might be worth transferring to the https://github.com/JuliaGraphics org (where the other GUI packages seem to live) to allow additional maintainers?

cc @timholy

Yeah, gladly to do this, just that I don't know how to transfer repositories. 😅

Once someone in the JuliaGraphics organization gives you permission, it's a simple matter of clicking "Transfer" in the Settings: https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/creating-and-managing-repositories/transferring-a-repository#transferring-a-repository-owned-by-your-organization

Perfect, then I'll wait for the invitation to JuliaGraphics.

Invite sent. I'm not entirely sure the permissions are set properly, so if you have any difficulty in doing the transfer, please let us know.

Effectively, I cannot transfer the repository as it says insufficient permissions. 😅

Rats. OK, I changed your permissions. Can you try again?

I think we can call this successful.