JuliaGraphics / NativeFileDialog.jl

mlabbe/nativefiledialog julia wrapper

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

On MacOS, file choose does not go away, need to exit Julia first

fingolfin opened this issue · comments

I dev'ed this package (at commit 5d1905b) plus NativeFileDialog_jll v1.1.6+1, in Julia 1.6.3 running on macOS 10.14.6.

Executing NativeFileDialog.pick_file() from the Julia REPL shows a file chooser dialog just fine, and I used it to select a file. After selecting the file, the correct path is returned. However, the chooser dialog never is removed; moving the mouse over it now turns the mouse into a beach ball (indicating the process owning the dialog does not process events). The only way to get rid of the dialog seems to be ending the owner process (i.e., julia).

I just updated the NativeFileDialog_jll dependency to the latest one, can you test it and tell me how it goes?

I just tried the latest version on macOS 11.6, and it works fine for me.

also works for me

Still doesn't work for me with version v1.1.6+2 of the JLL

@alecloudenback which macOS version, though?

I've checked and the issue indeed comes from upstream: I've modified their test_opendialog example to wait for a key press after getting the path and before exiting, and exhibits the same issue.

Thanks for the feedback! Maybe you want to fill an issue upstream. If it is solved later I'll update the JLL and hope you can use it. :)