JuliaGeometry / MeshViz.jl

Makie.jl recipes for visualization of Meshes.jl

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static graphs

ErickChacon opened this issue · comments

Previously, when working with geotables, we were able to use something like

viz(geodata, variable = :elevation)

which was veery handy and was easy to merge it with other plots using Makie syntax. I know that now we have viewer which is useful for notebooks but I shouldn't we still keep the static version?

Edit: Of course, we can still get the geometries and set the color using one column, but is not handy. Also, users can also define their own function but usually users want a simple way to plot the data.

I think it would be great to have this previous function, allowing also incorporate the colorbar easily.

Not really. I just doesn't feel clean for an end-user. Anyway, if someone wants something more simple they can just wrap it in a function.

Yes, I am under the impression that we can easily wrap that method to provide the previous syntax. If it becomes too annoying we can reintroduce the method for sure.