JuliaGPU / CUDA.jl

CUDA programming in Julia.

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`@device_code_sass` broken

eschnett opened this issue · comments

@device_code_sass is broken for me. It does not output anything any more. This is with CUDA.jl 5.3.1. Downgrading to version 5.2.0 makes it work again.

I am using CUDA.jl on an x86 system with and A40 Nvidia GPU.

This is my test case:

julia> using CUDA
julia> f(r,x,y) = (r[] = x[]+y[]; return)
julia> @device_code_sass @cuda f(CuArray(fill(0.0f0)), CuArray(fill(1.0f0)), CuArray(fill(2.0f0)))

This might be related to #2247 @maleadt.

This is probably #2328. Bug in CUDA 12.4 Update 1, worked around on master.

I tried using CUDA #master but this didn't resolve the problem. There is still no SASS output and no error message.