JuliaDynamics / RecurrenceAnalysis.jl

Recurrence Quantification Analysis in Julia

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[DOC] Example (with plots) of using the windowed functionality

Datseris opened this issue · comments

I think it will be easy to create an example where a big recurrence matrix is plotted and then "subsections" of it are created using the @windowed functionality. Something very similar with how it is displayed in Norbert's papers, but not as a static image: as a Julia code.

If someone provides an example that using @windowed makes sense (scientifically I mean) I will take care of the plotting part.

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I'm not sure whether you received the figure. here again.

Figure caption: Exemplary recurrence plot (D) showing the recurrence structure of
a sequence of chaotic, periodic, and stochastic dynamics (A).
The power spectrum (B) only reveals the dominating frequency of the
periodic epoch; the wavelet diagram (C) represents the different
scales within the three segments of different dynamics. Quantifying
the recurrence plot (E) allows further insights into the dynamics,
such as predictable time as derived from the average line length
in the recurrence plot.

Yeah this is exactly what I had in mind!!!

It would be even better though if we can use something more real that comes from a system we can simulate. this seems to be a "Frankenstein-timeseries" :P