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Unclear description of Joint recurrence plot functions (in RecurrenceAnalysis.jl)

RP-pbm opened this issue · comments


In https://juliadynamics.github.io/RecurrenceAnalysis.jl/dev/rplots/#RecurrenceAnalysis.JointRecurrenceMatrix
Joint recurrence plot (JRP) defined as the matrix constructed by element-wise multiplication of two distance matrices, and the binarization threshold applied after. Correct JRP by definition (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physrep.2006.11.001, eq. 39) should be made by logical multiplication of two (or more) RPs, which are constructed with two (or more) threshold values.
May someone clarify or extend this section.

The docstring says:

. It is calculated by the element-wise multiplication of the recurrence matrices of x and y. If x and y are of different length, the recurrences are only calculated until the length of the shortest one.

So I am not sure where you read the statement "the binarization threshold applied after". As far as I can tell the docstring is clear, feel free to do a PR that somehow improves it though!

The function does do the "correct" definition, logical multiplication.


So I am not sure where you read the statement "the binarization threshold applied after".

Sorry, I misread. But I guessed late binarization, because only one epsilon is used as a parameter: JointRecurrenceMatrix(x, y, ε; kwargs...)