JuliaDynamics / DynamicalSystems.jl

Award winning software library for nonlinear dynamics and nonlinear timeseries analysis

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DynamicalSystems does not compile

valerianfaber opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
I tried to add "DynamicalSystems" with the packet manager but it does not compile. I am working under Mac OS 12.2.1 using Julia 1.7.1 Mac OS Arm M1 version.

(@v1.7) pkg> add DynamicalSystems
Updating registry at ~/.julia/registries/General.toml
Resolving package versions...
Updating ~/.julia/environments/v1.7/Project.toml
[61744808] + DynamicalSystems v2.1.3
Updating ~/.julia/environments/v1.7/Manifest.toml
[62783981] + BitTwiddlingConvenienceFunctions v0.1.2
[2a0fbf3d] + CPUSummary v0.1.8
[49dc2e85] + Calculus v0.5.1
[608a59af] + ChaosTools v2.4.0
[fb6a15b2] + CloseOpenIntervals v0.1.4
[861a8166] + Combinatorics v1.0.2
[38540f10] + CommonSolve v0.2.0
[bbf7d656] + CommonSubexpressions v0.3.0
[187b0558] + ConstructionBase v1.3.0
[754358af] + DEDataArrays v0.2.0
[717857b8] + DSP v0.7.4
[5732040d] + DelayEmbeddings v2.0.3
[2b5f629d] + DiffEqBase v6.81.3
[163ba53b] + DiffResults v1.0.3
[b552c78f] + DiffRules v1.9.1
[b4f34e82] + Distances v0.10.7
[61744808] + DynamicalSystems v2.1.3
[6e36e845] + DynamicalSystemsBase v2.3.10
[ed8fcbec] + Entropies v1.1.1
[e2ba6199] + ExprTools v0.1.8
[7034ab61] + FastBroadcast v0.1.12
[6a86dc24] + FiniteDiff v2.10.1
[f6369f11] + ForwardDiff v0.10.25
[069b7b12] + FunctionWrappers v1.1.2
[3e5b6fbb] + HostCPUFeatures v0.1.6
[0e44f5e4] + Hwloc v2.0.0
[d8418881] + Intervals v1.5.0
[42fd0dbc] + IterativeSolvers v0.9.2
[2ee39098] + LabelledArrays v1.7.1
[10f19ff3] + LayoutPointers v0.1.5
[fc60dff9] + LombScargle v1.0.3
[bdcacae8] + LoopVectorization v0.12.101
[d125e4d3] + ManualMemory v0.1.8
[299715c1] + MarchingCubes v0.1.1
[eff96d63] + Measurements v2.7.0
[78c3b35d] + Mocking v0.7.3
[46d2c3a1] + MuladdMacro v0.2.2
[d8a4904e] + MutableArithmetics v0.3.3
[b8a86587] + NearestNeighbors v0.4.9
[645ca80c] + Neighborhood v0.2.3
[8913a72c] + NonlinearSolve v0.3.14
[f517fe37] + Polyester v0.6.4
[1d0040c9] + PolyesterWeave v0.1.3
[f27b6e38] + Polynomials v2.0.24
[d236fae5] + PreallocationTools v0.2.3
[639c3291] + RecurrenceAnalysis v1.7.0
[731186ca] + RecursiveArrayTools v2.24.1
[f2c3362d] + RecursiveFactorization v0.2.9
[f2b01f46] + Roots v1.3.14
[3cdde19b] + SIMDDualNumbers v0.1.0
[94e857df] + SIMDTypes v0.1.0
[476501e8] + SLEEFPirates v0.6.28
[0bca4576] + SciMLBase v1.26.1
[efcf1570] + Setfield v0.8.1
[05bca326] + SimpleDiffEq v1.5.1
[7792a7ef] + StrideArraysCore v0.2.9
[8290d209] + ThreadingUtilities v0.4.7
[f269a46b] + TimeZones v1.5.9
[a2a6695c] + TreeViews v0.3.0
[d5829a12] + TriangularSolve v0.1.9
[b8865327] + UnicodePlots v2.8.0
[3d5dd08c] + VectorizationBase v0.21.24
[29a6e085] + Wavelets v0.9.4
[700de1a5] + ZygoteRules v0.2.2
[e33a78d0] + Hwloc_jll v2.7.0+0
Precompiling project...
✗ ChaosTools
✗ DynamicalSystems
0 dependencies successfully precompiled in 12 seconds (316 already precompiled)
2 dependencies errored. To see a full report either run import Pkg; Pkg.precompile() or load the packages

Can you please actually provide the error report? I can't reproduce this.

The actual error report is pretty lengthy because it also contains tons of warnings. Find it in the attached text file.

I see you are full of errors like

WARNING: Method definition Type##kw(Any, Type{Base.MPFR.BigFloat}, Base.Irrational{:halfπ}) in module IrrationalConstants at irrationals.jl:182 overwritten in module StatsFuns on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
  ** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **

which are in different modules and not really DynamicalSystems.jl. DynamicalSystems.jl doens't precompile because of a dependency that (for unknown reasons to me) does not compile on your machine. Please open issues at the corresponding packages, such as StatsFuns.