JuliaCrypto / Nettle.jl

Julia wrapper around nettle cryptographic hashing/encryption library providing MD5, SHA1, SHA2 hashing and HMAC functionality, as well as AES encryption/decryption

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Suggest adding keywords to github project description

samoconnor opened this issue · comments

The github project description is currently: "Julia package for libnettle"
This is the text that shows up under "Nettle" at http://pkg.julialang.org.

Minor suggestion: change the description to: "Julia package for libnettle (SHA1, SHA256, MD5 etc)"

This would make the package more discoverable to someone who knows they want to compute a common hash, but does not know anything about libnettle.


See what LibArchive.jl has put in their description: https://github.com/yuyichao/LibArchive.jl

Hey Sam, sorry that this has taken so long. For some reason, github doesn't email me when people perform actions on repositories that I own. I have to comment on a thread in order to see it, or be pinged by someone via @staticfloat. In the future, please do not be shy of drawing my attention by pinging me.

I've updated the description, does what I've added look good?

nice one @staticfloat
Nettle.jl is now getting a workout at https://github.com/samoconnor/AWSCore.jl

Excellent, so glad that you find things like this helpful!