Jotschi / vertx-graphql-example

Vert.x Server which exposes a GraphQL API

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Could not resolve dependencies

developerworks opened this issue · comments

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project vertx-graphql-example: Could not resolve dependencies 
for project de.jotschi:vertx-graphql-example:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: 
Failure to find com.gentics.ferma:ferma-extensions-orientdb-vertx:jar:0.0.5-SNAPSHOT 
in was cached in the local repository, resolution will 
not be reattempted until the update interval of has elapsed or updates 
are forced -> [Help 1]

There is no ferma-extensions-orientdb-vertx lib in

@developerworks - I'm waiting for to release the extension. Once that has been done the example should only contain dependencies to maven central.

I have now updated the dependencies. Please take a look in the master branch. That version will also utilize the tinkerpop 3.x API.