JoshuaPlacidi / ms_coco_object_tags

Python dictionary storing object tags for MS-COCO images. Data from 3 different sources (COCO ground truths, VG classifier and Microsoft's VinVL) are availible.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This repo provides convienent object annotation files for the MS-COCO dataset. Bounding boxes, class ids and labels are provided for each image.

Annotations are collected and combined from 3 different sources:

How To Use

Due to the size of the combined object file (628KB) it must be downloaded from this Google Drive link

The annotations are stored as a json file that can be easily opened as a python dictionary with image ids as keys. Demo.ipynb shows how to load and visualise objects tags.


Below are some examples of how tags vary from different sources:

Baseball Example

Site Example


Python dictionary storing object tags for MS-COCO images. Data from 3 different sources (COCO ground truths, VG classifier and Microsoft's VinVL) are availible.


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%