JosefNemec / PlayniteExtensions

Extensions for Playnite game launcher and manager.

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Failure Normalising Game Name for EA WRC Rally

bmrussell opened this issue · comments

Check for existing issue

Describe the bug
Game does not get imported into Playnite from EA Account

To Reproduce
Update EA Game Library

extensions.log contains:

08-11 13:50:21.305|ERROR|OriginLibrary#OriginLibrary:Failed to get Origin manifest for a Origin.OFR.50.0004928
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at OriginLibrary.OriginLibrary.GetLibraryGames(CancellationToken cancelToken) in C:\Devel\PlayniteExtensions\source\Libraries\OriginLibrary\OriginLibrary.cs:line 475
475: gameName = StringExtensions.NormalizeGameName(localData.localizableAttributes.displayName);

JSON is returned OK by EA API:

with displayName attribute set to "WRC"

Diagnostics ID

Fixed in 2.12 update

Log is clean, but get the attached failure notification with 2.12. Empty game cover showing is WRC: Origin.OFR.50.0004928



Go to "About Playnite" menu and generate diag. package for me.

It's not failing in EA plugin according to that log.

Go to "About Playnite" menu and generate diag. package for me.

It's not failing in EA plugin according to that log.

Hi @JosefNemec 479e3795-6944-4480-aeca-1e43ba40b3cf. I tried disabling all other plugins apart from the IGDB metadata. Extensions.log and playnite.log show no errors as you say.

Checked again and playnite.log has

09-11 17:18:54.423|ERROR|Programs:Failed to parse UWP app Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.Singleton_3.469.1654.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe info.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Playnite.Common.Programs.GetUWPApps() in C:\projects\playnite\source\Playnite\Common\Programs2.cs:line 342

No idea what's going on, there should be an error in the logs before this type of message is displayed.

Don't know if this helps but I compared an OK import with WRC dealing with null values. WRC had null where these values

offerPath, gdpPath

cat urls-from-log.txt | xargs -n1 curl -s | jq '. | [.offerId, .itemName, .offerPath, .gdpPath]' > result.txt
