Josef-Friedrich / luakeys

LuaTeX package to parse key value options in Lua only, like keyval, kvsetkeys, kvoptions, xkeyval, pgfkeys but in Lua

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"local" copy of luakeys

kalekje opened this issue · comments

This might be more of a general Lua question. I have a few LaTeX packages that use luakeys, and modify the opts table to suit the need. What I would like to do with my packages is create a copy of luakeys for use within the package only. Is this possible? I think a deep-copy is needed, but am wondering otherwise. I think this would be beneficial, although memory inefficient, it would allow users to have their own luakeys interface without fear of users messing up their settings.

I might be overthinking this: would a better solution be to define a set of opts for local usage of luakeys?

Here is an example.

package.path = package.path .. ";C:\\Users\\me\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\MiKTeX\\tex\\luatex\\luakeys\\/?.lua"

mymodule = {}

mymodule.luakeys = require'luakeys'

-- my module modifies luakeys
function toggle_bool(t)
    for k, v in pairs(t) do
        if (type(k) == 'string') and k:find( '!') then
            t[k:sub(2)] = not v
            t[k] = nil


t = mymodule.luakeys.parse('bold, !color')
for k, v in pairs(t) do

-- I want the 'pure' version of luakeys to be unchanged

luakeys = require'luakeys'

t = luakeys.parse('bold, !color')
for k, v in pairs(t) do

-- but luakeys points to the same object as mymodule.luakeys

From the Lua manual

The other main job of require is to avoid loading the same file twice. For that purpose, it keeps a table with the names of all loaded files. If a required file is already in the table, require simply returns.

mymodule.luakeys = require'luakeys'
package.loaded.luakeys = nil

I added a new function to address this issue:

local my_luakeys = require('luakeys').get_new_instance()
local result = my_luakeys.parse('key=value')

local l1 = require('luakeys') -- table: 0x564ea6ca4160
local l2 = require('luakeys') -- table: 0x564ea6ca4160
local l3 = require('luakeys').get_new_instance() -- table: 0x563574d51470
local l4 = require('luakeys').get_new_instance() -- table: 0x563574d86ac0